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Websites and stores

Magento enables you to run multiple websites and stores within a single installation. Commerce 365 also supports these structures. You don’t have to make use of the multi-store system, you can of course just run one single store, but if you want to use it, be sure to read the information below.

For more information see: 

By the time you have completed the setup wizard your current Magento configuration (Master Data) is already imported into Commerce 365. This means that all website codes and store codes which are present in Magento, are now also present in Commerce 365, and you can start to push data to any of your stores.


Go to Master Data > Websites. Here you can see all websites-codes.

If you haven’t configured anything special on the Magento side, this list will show the base code which is your Main Website. If you decide to a new website on the Magento side, you can go to this screen and click Update Websites to pull in all new information.

On a website level there are a few configuration settings. Click on Manage > Edit List if you want to change these settings.

Public Price Customer No. – If you want to define pricing by using a BC template customer, you can fill in the customer number here. If you leave this blank, the unit price from the item card will be used as the default price for the public view / non-logged in customers.

Currency Code – The website will use the currency of the selected Public Price Customer.


Go to Master Data > Stores. Here you can see all the store-codes which you can use. Just as with the websites we described above, you can sync your stores (and store views) by clicking Update Stores.

On a store level there are also configuration settings. Click on the store code to open the store card for more details.

Language Code
If you run a multi-lingual setup you should fill in the language code for each store.
Location Code
This is the code for the default location (warehouse) you want to apply on to your incoming web orders.
Synchronize Orders
This switch should be set to TRUE if you want to import orders from this store. Be aware, when new stores are added, the initial setting is FALSE.
Last Order Synchronization
This field is automatically maintained by the system. It holds the date-time when we last successfully synchronized orders for this store.
Guest Order Customer No. [Obsolete] 
If you have configured your Magento to allow guest checkout, you should define a customer under which these incoming orders are filed.
Sales Document Type
Here you can specify the type of document which has to be created when processing orders (creating BC orders from Magento web orders).
Order Processing Method
After importing a new web order, as a staging order, should the system; do nothing / create the BC sales document / create and release the BC sales document.
Order Creation Price Method
Set Magento Price as Unit Price takes the price from the incoming Magento order line. 
Set Magento Price as Line Amount allows Business Central to set the Unit Price automatically, then set the price from the Magento order line as the Line Amount, and calculate the Line Discount based on the difference between the two fields.
Automatically Sync Shipments
When enabled, any shipment posted in Business Central, which is connected to a web order placed within this store, will automatically be synced to Magento.
Automatically Sync Invoices
When enabled, any invoice posted in Business Central, which is connected to a web order placed within this store, will automatically be synced to Magento.
This is for your own reference / internal use. If you have a longer list of stores it might be helpful to other users to describe the purpose of each store.
This is just for your own reference. If you have multiple stores, it usually helps other people who also use the system, to enter the corresponding URLs.
This URL will also be used to generate the screenshot that is shown in the right column. 

Deleting data

Be aware that if you delete a website or store, you will also delete all data which is linked to that store code.

Fully automated installation and onboarding

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Click on the AppSource button, install the free trial and just follow the instructions