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Tax classes

Having your tax setup correct is critical to running an online store. Of course you already have a tax configuation in Business Central. Magento also has its own configuration. The way Magento manages tax calculation is quite identical to Business Central. But still, you have to start by checking/creating a mapping between the 2 systems.

After you run the initial installation wizard, the system has synced all tax codes as they are defined in Magento.

Tax class mapping

Go to Master Data Tax Classes to see the current list of Magento tax codes in Business Central. If you still see entries like ‘Order Gift Wrapping’ and ‘Printed Gift Card’ chances are that nobody has ever looked into the tax configuration on the Magento side because these are a few default values which are hardly used. Please ask your Magento developer to verify and cleanup.

If anything has changed on the Magento side, please click Update Tax Classes to update your configuration.

Once you see the codes/classes which you can work with, click on Manage > Edit List, and fill in the corresponding Business Central tax codes.

Fully automated installation and onboarding

Install via AppSource

Click on the AppSource button, install the free trial and just follow the instructions