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Customer Attributes

Just as with items you can also use attributes on customers. First go to Attributes > Customer Attributes. Here you can manage your Customer Attributes.

Click on the New button if you want to add a new attribute. Customer Attributes also support Mapping. You can use the mapping feature to re-use Business Central customer data in Magento. Whether this data comes from a standard BC field, from an ISV application or vertical solution you have installed, or some other place. As long as there is a relation on Customer No. the Commerce 365 extension can pickup that data. 

If you want a specific attribute to be applied directly when creating a customer account, check Apply by Default

By default Commerce 365 for Magento already sends additional customer attributes to Magento when synchronizing a customer record. This also requires the Commerce 365 Magento extension to be installed. Click here for more information.

Once installed, log on to the Magento backend, go to Customers and click on a customer record. Now you should see an extra tab labeled Customer 365 (+). Click on this tab to see all additional attributes for this customer. See screenshot below. 

The information you see on this page is just plain data that is available in your Magento system, but it doesn't do anything. 

It is up to you as a customer and/or developer to use this information to further customize the frontend experience. 

For example you could use the customer Payment Method Code to determine which payment methods to offer a buyer. Or depending on their Location Code you could offer them more tailored information regarding pickup or delivery. 

Here is a list of all codes for the above attributes. These are all text attributes. 

  • bc_customer_no
  • bc_company_name
  • bc_customer_price_group
  • bc_customer_discount_group
  • bc_payment_terms_code
  • bc_payment_method_code
  • bc_shipment_method_code
  • bc_shipment_agent_code
  • bc_shipment_agent_service_code
  • bc_location_code
  • bc_blocked_code

Creating customer attributes in Magento

Be aware that creating new customer attributes in BC, does not yet create those attributes in Magento. In order to have fully functional customer attributes, you have to create them both in BC, as well as in Magento. Next to creating the attributes in Magento, usually some more work is needed to turn them into something functional. See next paragraph. 


In BC you create the customer attribute called Credit Limit. But, it would be of no use until you tell a developer what the expected behaviour for this new attribute is. This could range from 'just showing a label somewhere on the site' to 'blocking the ability to place a new order', and anything in between. So, typically you would first discuss the desired functionality with a developer. Then create the attribute in BC, and let the developer create the attribute in Magento as part of their development task. 

Amasty customer attributes

If you are looking for a non-code solution to create and manage customer attributes, you could install the Amasty Customer Attributes extension. 

Fully automated installation and onboarding

Install via AppSource

Click on the AppSource button, install the free trial and just follow the instructions