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Shipment API SCNVN (71312641)


Create(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"): Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"

Create a complete Sendcloud shipment based on a sales order.


  • SalesHeader - Sales Header record (table 36)

Returns: Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)


Create(var SalesShipmentHeader: Record "Sales Shipment Header"): Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"

Create a complete Sendcloud shipment based on a sales shipment.


  • SalesShipmentHeader - Sales Shipment Header record (table 110)

Returns: Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)


CreateHeader(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; Source: Variant): Record "Shipment Header SCNVN";

Create a Sendcloud shipment header based on a sales header and its sell-to customer.


  • SalesHeader - Sales Header record (table 36)
  • Source - Source record or recordref. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Shipment Header record and in the log records

Returns: Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)


CreateHeader(SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; ExternalDocumentNo: Code[35]; Source: Variant): Record "Shipment Header SCNVN";

Create a Sendcloud shipment header based on a sales header and its sell-to customer.This function allows you to explicitly set the external document number.


  • SalesHeader - Sales Header record (table 36)
  • ExternalDocumentNo - External document number
  • Source - Source record or recordref. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Shipment Header record and in the log records

Returns: Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)


CreateHeader(Customer: Record Customer; SenderAddressId: Integer; ServicePointId: Integer; OrderNo: Text; ExternalDocumentNo: Code[35]; Source: Variant): Record "Shipment Header SCNVN";

Create a Sendcloud shipment header based on the address fields on a customer record.This method creates just a header. As a next step you still have to create parcels and assign items to parcels.


  • Customer - Customer record (table 18)
  • SenderAddressId - Sendcloud Sender Address Id - When 0 is used the default Sender Address is used
  • ServicePointId - Sendcloud Service Point Id - When 0 is used no service point will be used
  • OrderNo - Can be a Business Central order number, or any other custom order number
  • ExternalDocumentNo - Can be any additional order number or reference
  • Source - Source record or recordref. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Shipment Header record and in the log records

Returns: Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)


CreateHeader(ShipToType: Enum "Ship-to Type SCNVN"; ShipToNo: Code[20]; ShipToName: Text; ShipToContact: Text; ShipToAddress: Text; ShipToAddress2: Text; ShipToCity: Text; ShipToPostCode: Text; ShipToCounty: Text[30]; ShipToCountryRegionCode: Code[10]; ShipToEMail: Text; ShipToPhoneNo: Text; OrderNo: Text; ExternalDocumentNo: Code[35]; Source: Variant; SenderAddressId: Integer; ServicePointId: Integer): Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"


  • ShipToType - Customer, Vendor, Return Location or Service Point
  • ShipToNo - Customer, Vendor or Location No
  • ShipToName - Name
  • ShipToContact - Contact
  • ShipToAddress - Address
  • ShipToAddress2 - Address 2
  • ShipToCity - City
  • ShipToPostCode - Postcode
  • ShipToCounty - County
  • ShipToCountryRegionCode - Country / Region code
  • ShipToEMail - Email
  • ShipToPhoneNo - Phone Number
  • OrderNo - Can be a Business Central order number, or any other custom order number
  • ExternalDocumentNo - Can be any additional order number or reference
  • Source - Source record or recordref. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Shipment Header record and in the log records
  • SenderAddressId - Sendcloud Sender Address Id - When 0 is used the default Sender Address is used
  • ServicePointId - Sendcloud Service Point Id - When 0 is used no service point will be used

Returns: Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)


CreateParcel(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"): Record "Parcel SCNVN";

Create a new Sendcloud parcel record linked to a Sendcloud shipment header, based on a sales header.


  • ShipmentHeader
  • SalesHeader

Returns: nothing


CreateParcel(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; Source: Variant; LocationCode: Code[10]; ShipmentMethodCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentServiceCode: Code[10]): Record "Parcel SCNVN";

Create a new Sendcloud parcel record linked to a Sendcloud shipment seader.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)
  • Source - Record or RecordRef. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Parcel record and in the log records
  • LocationCode
  • ShipmentMethodCode
  • ShippingAgentCode
  • ShippingAgentServiceCode

Returns: Sendcloud Parcel record (table 71312608)


CreateParcel(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; Source: Variant; Description: Text[100]; LocationCode: Code[10]; ActualWeight: Decimal; ShipmentMethodCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentServiceCode: Code[10]): Record "Parcel SCNVN";

Create a new Sendcloud parcel record linked to a Sendcloud shipment header.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)
  • Source - Record or RecordRef. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Parcel record and in the log records
  • Description
  • LocationCode
  • ActualWeight
  • ShipmentMethodCode
  • ShippingAgentCode
  • ShippingAgentServiceCode

Returns: Sendcloud Parcel record (table 71312608)


CreateParcelItem(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; var Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN"; Source: Variant; SourceType: Enum "Parcel Source Type SCNVN"; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; ShipmentMethodCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentServiceCode: Code[10]): Record "Parcel Item SCNVN"

Create a new Sendcloud parcel item record. With these records you can assign items to specific parcels.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)
  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel
  • Source - Record or RecordRef. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Parcel Item record and in the log records
  • SourceType - Item, Sales Order, Posted Sales Shipment
  • SourceNo - Item No., Sales Header No., Sales Shipment Header No
  • SourceLineNo - Line number on the source document
  • ShipmentMethodCode - Shipment Method Code
  • ShippingAgentCode - Shipping Agent Code
  • ShippingAgentServiceCode - Shipping Agent Service Code

Returns: Sendcloud Parcel Item record (table 71312610)


CreateParcelItem(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; var Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN"; Source: Variant; SourceType: Enum "Parcel Source Type SCNVN"; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; Weight: Decimal; ShipmentMethodCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentServiceCode: Code[10]): Record "Parcel Item SCNVN"

Create a new Sendcloud parcel item record. With these records you can assign items to specific parcels.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)
  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel
  • Source - Record or RecordRef. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Parcel Item record and in the log records
  • SourceType - Item, Sales Order, Posted Sales Shipment
  • SourceNo - Item No., Sales Header No., Sales Shipment Header No
  • SourceLineNo - Line number on the source document
  • Weight - Setting the weight also updates the total parcel weight
  • ShipmentMethodCode - Shipment Method Code
  • ShippingAgentCode - Shipping Agent Code
  • ShippingAgentServiceCode - Shipping Agent Service Code

Returns: Sendcloud Parcel Item record (table 71312610)


CreateParcelItem(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; var Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN"; Source: Variant; SourceType: Enum "Parcel Source Type SCNVN"; SourceNo: Code[20]; SourceLineNo: Integer; Quantity: Decimal; Weight: Decimal; ShipmentMethodCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentServiceCode: Code[10]): Record "Parcel Item SCNVN"

Create a new Sendcloud parcel item record. With these records you can assign items to specific parcels.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)
  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel
  • Source - Record or RecordRef. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Parcel Item record and in the log records
  • SourceType - Item, Sales Order, Posted Sales Shipment
  • SourceNo - Item No., Sales Header No., Sales Shipment Header No
  • SourceLineNo - Line number on the source document
  • Quantity - Quantity
  • Weight - Setting the weight also updates the total parcel weight
  • ShipmentMethodCode - Shipment Method Code
  • ShippingAgentCode - Shipping Agent Code
  • ShippingAgentServiceCode - Shipping Agent Service Code

Returns: Sendcloud Parcel Item record (table 71312610)


CreateParcelItem(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; var Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN"; Source: Variant; SourceType: Enum "Parcel Source Type SCNVN"; ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; Quantity: Decimal; Weight: Decimal; ShipmentMethodCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentCode: Code[10]; ShippingAgentServiceCode: Code[10]): Record "Parcel Item SCNVN"

Create a new Sendcloud parcel item record. With these records you can assign items to specific parcels.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)
  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel
  • Source - Record or RecordRef. The corresponding RecordId will be stored on the Sendcloud Parcel Item record and in the log records
  • SourceType - Item, Sales Order, Posted Sales Shipment
  • ItemNo - Item Number
  • VariantCode - Optional Variant Code
  • Quantity - Quantity
  • Weight - Setting the weight also updates the total parcel weight
  • ShipmentMethodCode - Shipment Method Code
  • ShippingAgentCode - Shipping Agent Code
  • ShippingAgentServiceCode - Shipping Agent Service Code

Returns: Sendcloud Parcel Item record (table 71312610)


TrySetBestShipmentMethod(var Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN"): Boolean

Tries to select the best shipment method for a Sendcloud parcel.


  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel record (table 71312608)

Returns: nothing


TrySetBestShipmentMethod(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; ParcelLineNo: Integer): Boolean

Tries to select the best shipment method for a Sendcloud parcel.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No
  • ParcelLineNo - Line number of the parce

Returns: nothing


Post(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; ShowNotification: Boolean)

Post a Sendcloud Shipment (all unposted parcels) to the Sendcloud platform. This will create the shipment(s) on the Sendcloud platform, and depending on your setup, labels and documents will be printed.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No
  • ShowNotification - Display a status message in the UI

Returns: nothing


Post(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; ShowNotification: Boolean)

Post a Sendcloud Shipment (all unposted parcels). This will create the shipment(s) on the Sendcloud platform, and depending on your setup, labels and documents will be printed.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Record (table 71312607)
  • ShowNotification - Show the Business Central user a status message

Returns: nothing


Post(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; ParcelLineNo: Integer; ShowNotification: Boolean)

Post a single Sendcloud parcel. This will add a parcel to an existing Sendcloud shipment. This will create the shipment on the Sendcloud platform, and depending on your setup, labels and documents will be printed.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No
  • ParcelLineNo - Line number of the parcel to be posted
  • ShowNotification - Show the Business Central user a status message

Returns: nothing


Post(var Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN"; ShowNotification: Boolean)

Post a single Sendcloud parcel. This will add a parcel to an existing Sendcloud shipment. This will create the shipment on the Sendcloud platform, and depending on your setup, labels and documents will be printed.


  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel record (table 71312608)
  • ShowNotification - Show the Business Central user a status message

Returns: nothing


Cancel(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; ShowNotification: Boolean)

Cancel a Sendcloud shipment. All parcels.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No
  • ShowNotification - Show the Business Central user a status message

Returns: nothing


Cancel(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; ShowNotification: Boolean)

Cancel a Sendcloud shipment. All parcels.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)
  • ShowNotification - Show the Business Central user a status message

Returns: nothing


Cancel(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; ParcelLineNo: Integer; ShowNotification: Boolean)

Cancel a single Sendcloud parcel.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No
  • ParcelLineNo - Sendcloud Parcel Line No
  • ShowNotification - Show the Business Central user a status message

Returns: nothing


Cancel(var Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN"; ShowNotification: Boolean)

Cancel a single Sendcloud parcel.


  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel record (table 71312608)
  • ShowNotification - Show the Business Central user a status message

Returns: nothing


Update(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; ShowNotification: Boolean)

Update shipment status and all parcels.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No
  • ShowNotification - Show the Business Central user a status message

Returns: nothing


Update(var ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"; ShowProgressBar: Boolean)

Update shipment status and all parcels.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)
  • ShowProgressBar - Show the Business Central user a progress bar

Returns: nothing


UpdateAllActiveShipments(ShowProgressBar: Boolean)

Update shipment status and parcel data on all active shipments.


  • ShowProgressBar - Show the Business Central user a progress bar

Returns: nothing


Print(ShipmentNo: Code[20])

Print all labels and documents for a specific Sendcloud shipment.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No

Returns: nothing


Print(ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN")

Print all labels and documents for a specific Sendcloud shipment.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)

Returns: nothing


Print(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; ParcelLineNo: Integer)

Print all labels and documents for a specific Sendcloud parcel.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No
  • ParcelLineNo - Sendcloud Parcel Line No

Returns: nothing


Print(Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN")

Print all labels and documents for a specific Sendcloud parcel.


  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel record (table 71312608)

Returns: nothing


GetTrackingURLs(ShipmentNo: Code[20]): List of [Text]

Retrieve a list of tracking urls for all parcels in a Sendcloud shipment.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No

Returns: A list of tracking urls


GetTrackingURLs(ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"): List of [Text]

Retrieve a list of tracking urls for all parcels in a Sendcloud shipment.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)

Returns: A list of tracking urls


GetTrackingURLs(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; ParcelLineNo: Integer): List of [Text]

Retrieve a list of tracking urls for a specifc parcel. For standard shipments one tracking url will be returned. Multi-collo shipments will return multiple tracking url.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No
  • ParcelLineNo - Sendcloud Parcel Line No

Returns: A list of tracking urls


GetTrackingURLs(Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN"): List of [Text]

Retrieve a list of tracking urls for a specifc parcel. For standard shipments one tracking url will be returned. Multi-collo shipments will return multiple tracking url.


  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel record (table 71312608)

Returns: A list of tracking urls


GetTrackingNos(ShipmentNo: Code[20]): List of [Text]

Retrieve a list of tracking numbers for all parcels in a Sendcloud shipment.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No

Returns: A list of tracking numbers


GetTrackingNos(ShipmentHeader: Record "Shipment Header SCNVN"): List of [Text]

Retrieve a list of tracking numbers for all parcels in a Sendcloud shipment.


  • ShipmentHeader - Sendcloud Shipment Header record (table 71312607)

Returns: A list of tracking numbers


GetTrackingNos(ShipmentNo: Code[20]; ParcelLineNo: Integer): List of [Text]

Retrieve a list of tracking numbers for a specifc parcel. For standard shipments one tracking number will be returned. Multi-collo shipments will return multiple tracking numbers.


  • ShipmentNo - Sendcloud Shipment No
  • ParcelLineNo - Sendcloud Parcel Line No

Returns: A list of tracking numbers


GetTrackingNos(Parcel: Record "Parcel SCNVN"): List of [Text]

Retrieve a list of tracking numbers for a specifc parcel. For standard shipments one tracking number will be returned. Multi-collo shipments will return multiple tracking numbers.


  • Parcel - Sendcloud Parcel record (table 71312608)

Returns: A list of tracking numbers

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