NC365 Inventory API (11260732)
CalculateInventory(ItemNo: Code[20]): Decimal
Calculates and returns the web inventory number for a given item number. The calculation takes the Inventory Location Filter setup field into account.If you want to further customize or overrule this calculation please use "NC365 Inventory Events" (codeunit 11260723).
- ItemNo - The Item No. for which you want to calculate.
Returns: The decimal inventory value for this item.
* be aware that additional events are not raised when using the inventory API
CalculateInventory(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]): Decimal
Calculates and returns the web inventory number for a given item number + variant code. The calculation takes the Inventory Location Filter setup field into account.If you want to further customize or overrule this calculation please use "NC365 Inventory Events" (codeunit 11260723).
- VariantCode - The Variant Code for which you want to calculate.
- ItemNo - The Item No. for which you want to calculate.
Returns: The decimal inventory value for this item (variant).
* be aware that additional events are not raised when using the inventory API
CalculateInventory(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; RaiseEvents: Boolean): Decimal
Calculates and returns the web inventory number for a given item number + variant code. The calculation takes the Inventory Location Filter setup field into account.If you want to further customize or overrule this calculation please use "NC365 Inventory Events" (codeunit 11260723).
- RaiseEvents - Use false if you want to suppress then OnBeforeCalculateInventory and OnAfterCalculateInventory events.
- VariantCode - The Variant Code for which you want to calculate.
- ItemNo - The Item No. for which you want to calculate.
Returns: The decimal inventory value for this item (variant).
* be aware that additional events are not raised when using the inventory API
UpdateInventory(ItemNo: Code[20])
Triggers an inventory (re)calculation for a given item number. This function does the same as CalculateInventory, but does not return a value.If you want to further customize or overrule this calculation please use "NC365 Inventory Events" (codeunit 11260723).
- ItemNo - The Item No. for which you want to calculate.
Returns: void
* be aware that additional events are not raised when using the inventory API
UpdateInventory(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10])
Triggers an inventory (re)calculation a given item number + variant code. This function does the same as CalculateInventory, but does not return a value.If you want to further customize or overrule this calculation please use "NC365 Inventory Events" (codeunit 11260723).
- VariantCode - The Variant Code for which you want to calculate.
- ItemNo - The Item No. for which you want to calculate.
Returns: void
* be aware that additional events are not raised when using the inventory API
UpdateInventory(ItemNo: Code[20]; Inventory: Decimal)
Allows to explicitly set the web inventory for a given item number.
- Inventory - The inventory value.
- ItemNo - The Item No. for which you want set the inventory value.
Returns: void
* be aware that additional events are not raised when using the inventory API
UpdateInventory(ItemNo: Code[20]; VariantCode: Code[10]; Inventory: Decimal)
Allows to explicitly set the web inventory for a given item number + variant code.
- Inventory - The inventory value.
- VariantCode - The Variant Code for which you want set the inventory value.
- ItemNo - The Item No. for which you want set the inventory value.
Returns: void
* be aware that additional events are not raised when using the inventory API
RecalculateInventory(IncludeVariants: Boolean)
Triggers a full recalculation of the web inventory for all items, and optionally all variants.If you want to further customize or overrule this calculation please use "NC365 Inventory Events" (codeunit 11260723).
- IncludeVariants - Boolean to indicate whether item variants should be included in the calculation.
Returns: void
* be aware that additional events are not raised when using the inventory API
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