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NC365 Category API (11260756)


GetBreadcrumbs(CategoryNo: Code[20]): Text

Returns the breadcrumbs for the given category.


  • CategoryNo - The Category No

Returns: nothing


GetCategoryNoByExternalId(ExternalId: Text[100]): Code[20]

Use this method to retrieve a category based on its external id field.The external id is a field which developers can use to link categories to other entities


  • ExternalId - Any custom id

Returns: NC365 Category No


GetCategoryNoByMagentoId(MagentoId: Text[100]): Code[20]

Use this method to retrieve a category based on its Magento id.


  • MagentoId - A Magento category id

Returns: NC365 Category No


AddRootCategory(Name: Text[100]): Code[20]

Add a new root category.


  • Name - The new root category name

Returns: Category No. of the new root category


AddRootCategory(Name: Text[100]; IsActive: Boolean; Position: Integer; ExternalId: Text[100]): Code[20]

Add a new root category, including all options.


  • Name - The new root category name
  • IsActive - Indicates whether a category is active or not
  • Position - Set an explicit position. Use 0 to automatically assign the next position
  • ExternalId - Optional field, can be used to link a category to any source entity

Returns: Category No. of the new root category


AddCategory(Name: Text[100]; ParentCategoryNo: Code[20]): Code[20]

Add a new category.


  • Name - The new category name
  • ParentCategoryNo

Returns: Category No. of the new category


AddCategory(Name: Text[100]; ParentCategoryNo: Code[20]; IsActive: Boolean; IncludeInMenu: Boolean; Position: Integer; ExternalId: Text[100]): Code[20]

Add a new category, including all options.


  • Name - The new category name
  • IsActive - Indicates whether a category is active or not
  • IncludeInMenu - Indicates whether a category should be included when rendering menus or not
  • Position - Set an explicit position. Use 0 to automatically assign the next position
  • ExternalId - Optional field, can be used to link a category to any source entity

Returns: Category No. of the new category


UpdateCategory(CategoryNo: Code[20]; Name: Text[100]; IsActive: Boolean; IncludeInMenu: Boolean; Position: Integer)

Update a category and its options.


  • CategoryNo - Category No. of the category to update
  • Name - The new category name
  • IsActive - Indicates whether a category is active or not
  • IncludeInMenu - Indicates whether a category should be included when rendering menus or not
  • Position - Set an explicit position. Use 0 to automatically assign the next position

Returns: nothing


MoveCategory(CategoryNo: Code[20]; NewParentCategoryNo: Code[20])

Move a category to another parent category


  • CategoryNo - Category No. of the category to move
  • NewParentCategoryNo - The new parent category no. for this category

Returns: nothing


DeleteCategory(CategoryNo: Code[20])

Delete a category, and all item in category links


  • CategoryNo - Category No. of the category to delete

Returns: nothing


AddItemToCategory(ItemNo: Code[20]; CategoryNo: Code[20])

Add an item to a category. Position will be calculated automatically.


  • ItemNo - The Item No. that has to be linked to the category
  • CategoryNo - The Category No. where this item has to be linked to

Returns: nothing


AddItemToCategory(ItemNo: Code[20]; CategoryNo: Code[20]; Position: Integer)

Add an item to a category.


  • ItemNo - The Item No. that has to be linked to the category
  • CategoryNo - The Category No. where this item has to be linked to
  • Position - The position where you want to insert this item

Returns: nothing


RemoveItemFromCategory(ItemNo: Code[20]; CategoryNo: Code[20])

Remove an item from a category.


  • ItemNo - The Item No. that has to be removed from the category
  • CategoryNo - The Category No. where this item has to be removed from

Returns: nothing

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