Notifications can be used to notify your customers about account or order status changes. And you can use them to inform customers about shipments and invoices.
But did you know that you can also automatically attach all NAV documents that belong to the context of your notification? Just select the NAV report you want to attach to your order, shipment or invoice email, and the system will automatically render a PDF document and attach it to the email.
And did you know that notifications fully support multiple languages? You can even make combinations of general components (no language set) and language specific components. For example, you can use this to create one template and header/footer combination which makes that the layout of all emails for all languages is equal, and on top of that you can define message bodies for each language you want to support.
SMS / Text messages, have you seen that? After receiving multiple requests from customers about adding text message support, we decided to find our selves the right partner for this ( and to make a project out of it. The result; just as easy as you can setup email notifications, you can now add SMS/text message notifications as well. What about Whatsapp you were thinking? We looked into that as well, but at this time Whatsapp doesn't have an API which we could use to work with their system. Be assured that as soon as its available, we will add support for this as well!
Struggling with your email templates? Please check out the manuals about this topic. If you want to improve the design of your emails, please contact your webdesigner.
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